This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#100 most of modern America. </p><p> It is hard to see how the situation could be otherwise. And
doc#116 the strength of our society's organs to see if their functioning is as healthy as before
doc#105 over a Poussin exhibit he had been able to see in Paris a year ago. </p><p> And how did
doc#116 now living? Hence the prime issue, as I see it, is whether a democratic or free society
doc#22 understates the situation as Republicans see it. They can hardly restrain themselves
doc#6 delegation in Washington who would like to see it (the resolution) passed". But he added
doc#36 are "all the same". </p><p> "It's 'See Joe, see Jim`", he says. "The hand is out". </p><p>
doc#139 noise at the office door and Hague swung to see Kodyke in the entrance from the outer room
doc#130 private planners will at this stage begin to see large capital requirements looming ahead
doc#145 backbone". </p><p> Over his shoulder he could see Max's loose grin and the Burnsides' glowering
doc#76 DENVER-AREA TV audience was privileged to see Mays' four home runs, thanks to a new arrangement
doc#148 approached cautiously, making sure he did not see me. He was looking out on the dark waters
doc#138 pulsing glow of a cigarette. Since they could see me but I not them, their presence in the
doc#146 own mixed luck. "Penny's always glad to see me over there", he mused bleakly. Yet had
doc#112 not stand where Beckett stands, but I do see much of what he sees. As a writer on the
doc#138 not expected to find here. I decided to see no more of the clerk until the processing
doc#140 subject these days -- that they might never see one another again. Then she turned the
doc#138 been left partially open. Past it I could see part of a desk, a flag in a corner, a rug
doc#121 phenomena which will be discussed later ( see pp. 1746-1748). </p><p> The crude picture
doc#33 party in November". </p><p> He said, "You can see signs of the Republicans' feeble attack