This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#140 . A few days ago, she would have thought such an expedition as this utterly ridiculous
doc#69 we can against Denver because they have such an explosive attack", explained Stram.
doc#81 golf with a serious intensity, Palmer has such an inherent sense of humor that it relieves
doc#28 Assembly, the town was authorized to adopt such an ordinance as a means of making enforcement
doc#124 medicine would make it possible to control such an outbreak of disease. this is why this
doc#131 The common codes, for religious action as such and in their ethical aspects for everyday
doc#108 little concerned himself with these matters; such are simply not within his bounded province
doc#115 consists of fragmentary personal revelations, such as "The Spark": "There is a spark dwells
doc#111 our personal experience with individuals such as "trust", "cheat", and "get tough". We
doc#126 species seem to prefer a ready-made hollow such as a deserted mouse nest, a bird house,
doc#124 certain mutational forms may be produced such as antibiotic resistant strains. Mutants
doc#121 waters, in addition, often contain impurities such as calcium salts which can react with soils
doc#121 Obviously hydrophobic (oleophilic) substances such as greases, oils, or particles having a
doc#131 is confronted with the recurrent crises, such as great natural catastrophes and the great
doc#121 cleaning. Exclusive of esthetic values, such as high- or low-foam level, perfume content
doc#128 is diminished, but no depression occurs such as is seen clinically or may be produced
doc#124 for attack on static population centers such as large cities. </p><p> An important operational
doc#107 "whether a nation organized and governed such as ours can endure". </p><p> It is well then
doc#40 members would get two professional posts, such as political affairs officer, a department
doc#119 to measure the elasticity of heavy pastes such as printing inks, paints, adhesives, molten