This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#130 democratic developments must take place if the
doc#130 every obligation to take seriously their claims
doc#130 each society will take a considerable period
doc#132 . Willingness to take the risk of
doc#133 . Do you take in all the
doc#133 work just to take us to town
doc#133 just can't take any chances on
doc#134 . "You take it easy,
doc#134 now. You take it easy,
doc#134 . We may take her with us
doc#134 hard we can take them". </p>
doc#136 the white people take over this land
doc#137 "I can take care of this
doc#140 which step to take next in the
doc#140 a sound could take shape within her
doc#140 direction that would take her away from
doc#141 you going to take me or am
doc#141 instantly -- to take out a permit
doc#141 do that or take you out a
doc#142 've got to take Danny away from