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doc#91 $77,389,000, up 10 per cent
doc#91 $47,101,000, up 100 per cent
doc#91 $278,877,000, up 12 per cent
doc#91 $253,355,000, up 22 per cent
doc#107 seven, gave up a brilliant law
doc#121 numerous isomers making up a given commercial
doc#104 night lugged me up a mountainside to
doc#46 could not draw up a plan for
doc#29 effort to prop up a sagging candidate
doc#142 family was setting up a separate camp
doc#93 reached by walking up a single flight
doc#81 So he picked up a stroke with
doc#136 Montero had set up a strong position
doc#116 this set- up achieved in earlier
doc#75 But he warmed up after a while
doc#86 these things come up again and again
doc#146 what he was up against. Whoever
doc#103 see them rubbing up against a man
doc#100 in the South up against segregationist prejudice
doc#147 maximum altitude, up against the overcast