This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#91 construction during October totaled $77,389,000, up 10 per cent compared to October, 1960,
doc#91 28 per cent; residential at $47,101,000, up 100 per cent; and heavy engineering at
doc#91 22 per cent; residential at $278,877,000, up 12 per cent; and heavy engineering at $
doc#91 showed: </p><p> Nonresidential at $253,355,000, up 22 per cent; residential at $278,877,000
doc#107 </p><p> Hamilton, poorest of the seven, gave up a brilliant law practice to enter Washington
doc#121 actions to each of the numerous isomers making up a given commercial organic active. </p><p>
doc#104 landlord who in the dead of night lugged me up a mountainside to drink from a spring famous
doc#46 directors indicated they could not draw up a plan for reorganization. </p><p> Business
doc#29 giveaway. It is a desperate effort to prop up a sagging candidate who has proven he can
doc#142 hour. </p><p> The Maguire family was setting up a separate camp nearby. Billie had unhitched
doc#93 direct. Others, which are reached by walking up a single flight of stairs, have balconies
doc#81 fathers ruled in his favor. So he picked up a stroke with the provisional ball and
doc#136 center of a wide valley. Montero had set up a strong position, using every bale and
doc#116 us realize that whatever good this set- up achieved in earlier times, now the corporation
doc#75 was and he was quite cold. But he warmed up after a while. I told him what Liston had
doc#86 </p><p> "I hate to have these things come up again and again", Dr. Jenkins commented
doc#146 into a depression. He knew now what he was up against. Whoever was out there hiding in
doc#103 dancing and sweating, you'll see them rubbing up against a man who's supposed to have a
doc#100 published of Northern liberals in the South up against segregationist prejudice, especially
doc#147 firepower. His present maximum altitude, up against the overcast, gave him the opportunity