This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#127 interlobular branches of the bronchial arteries while others were filling from direct hilar branches
doc#128 hypothalamus produces the effects of wakefulness while stimulation of the anterior hypothalamus
doc#130 around a national program of modernization while simultaneously decentralizing participation
doc#132 or reduce the force of the stress impact while at the same time to encourage and support
doc#132 concentrated over a short period of time, while in others, after the initial contact is
doc#137 the pony's feet on the dry leaves for a while , then the sound faded out. </p><p> Wilson
doc#138 ceiling. I had felt the draft they were making while mounting the stairs. The staircase itself
doc#141 Joyce. </p><p> "Uh-huh. So I can hear you while I'm checkin' the car. Looks like we might
doc#142 's hear it, anyway". </p><p> "Wait a little while . Let Senora Brannon live in her father's
doc#142 son". </p><p> They were silent for a little while , each looking glum. </p><p> Finally Luis
doc#142 in there, Brannon remaining in the saddle while Hogan went to look for Jesse Macklin in
doc#143 carried him on their books as a cowhand even while he was receiving a much larger salary from
doc#144 . </p><p> "You're staying right here for a while . This dirty coward just admitted killing
doc#145 don't mind setting here along with Gran while you go out and join in the games". </p><p>
doc#145 way and Matilda visiting with Mrs. Jackson while they searched out familiar names on the
doc#145 her down so she could stand by his side while they jointly chose the rest of their "outfit
doc#145 <p> The two tall brothers waited silently while their mother handed Gran her cold snack
doc#145 the notched-stick chair braces in place while his boys swung up the tailgate and tied
doc#145 critters, and him and me fixed up his wagon while we was waiting for you to catch up. He's
doc#146 their heads together at the end of the bar, while the sleek-headed bartender absently polished