This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#102 sensitive a subject that most of the people who could become directly involved in one are
doc#114 quite conveniently, too, for his audience, who could indulge in moral indignation without
doc#107 they were also stout controversialists, who could write with a drop of vitriol on their
doc#143 small half-heartedly tended fields of men who 'd spent more time rustling cattle than
doc#143 were doing the same. Houses of settlers who 'd treated the company herds as a natural
doc#7 Harry Davis, a veteran agriculture teacher, who defeated Felix Bush, a school principal
doc#108 his soil. The thousands of city migrants who desert the farms yearly must readjust with
doc#115 language. It celebrates the unknown architect who designed the temple of Neptune at Paestum
doc#44 that the four congressmen from Mississippi who did not support the party ticket will be
doc#143 a man, those neighbors testified later, who didn't have a friend in the world. </p><p>
doc#113 girl soon drops the bourgeois pyschiatrist who disapproves of her life. She finds married
doc#136 until my shot. I'll shoot the first man who doesn't". </p><p> I could see them in my
doc#67 today. AUSTIN, TEXAS -- A Texas halfback who doesn't even know the team's plays, Eldon
doc#81 secondary hero is another pro, Willie Chisholm, who drank his lunch during another Open and
doc#81 up the ball and handed it to a small boy, who dropped this suddenly hot potato in a very
doc#104 fragment by a recent poet: "Know ye, fair folk who dwell on earth Or shall hereafter come
doc#146 Colcord's money unless he was told -- and who else would have told him"? he asked himself
doc#131 those who not merely abide by its norms, but who engage in good works. </p><p> Religion usually
doc#116 America founded by rugged individualists who established a new way of life still inspiring
doc#81 something that endeared him to every duffer who ever flubbed a shot. A couple of weeks