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doc#134 and told him how his cattle were
doc#135 might tell her how sorry a spectacle
doc#135 <p> "No telling how good this horse
doc#136 <p> My God, how long is he
doc#137 I'll know how to handle you
doc#137 , regardless of how trying the circumstances
doc#137 and reflected on how things had turned
doc#138 until I realized how limited was his
doc#138 spittle I noticed how the clerk winced
doc#138 loose estimate of how many men the
doc#138 tell for sure how far to the
doc#139 men who knew how to use a
doc#139 . I understand how you feel about
doc#139 . You know how the ranchers in
doc#141 "seein' as how I got a
doc#143 once, " how come you bushwhacked
doc#143 pastures, and how many men he
doc#144 "I heard how you outdrew Chico
doc#145 . No matter how many registry rocks
doc#148 dividends, including how to pull the