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doc#104 fairly typical landlord who in the dead of night lugged me up a mountainside to drink from
doc#107 Talleyrand passed his New York law office one night on the way to a party. Hamilton was bent
doc#107 fortune of his country, but now is working all night in order to support his family", he reflected
doc#108 Yoknapatawpha County with razorback hogs and night riders. On this trip to the South he wants
doc#111 for a group of boys who are approaching at night along the streets of a large city. If an
doc#113 involved in drugs and self-analysis and all- night sessions of sex that she was beginning
doc#133 Sometimes he woke up in the middle of the night thinking of Ann, and then could not get
doc#133 He found that if he was tired enough at night , he went to sleep simply because he was
doc#134 hot confinement of the room into the cold night air. Gavin's stallion was in the barn and
doc#134 the valley. Dawn would come soon and the night was at its coldest. The moon had sunk below
doc#134 The men in Pettigrew's were tired from a night 's drinking, their faces red and baggy.
doc#134 brought their cattle to water. It was the night Clayton had tricked them in the poker game
doc#134 of the saloon into the cold of the ebbing night . He fled through the door and down the
doc#136 the attack before dawn, the long cloudy night , filled with the sounds of the industrious
doc#137 uneasy feeling about it. That girl last night , what was her name? Judith Pierce. It was
doc#139 There was no moon. They had chosen this night purposely. They reached the guard house
doc#139 lead, seven men riding quietly through the night . </p><p> The only thing which would have
doc#139 Dill had worked tirelessly to effect this night 's escape. </p><p> He said now, "I've got
doc#139 Mitchell Barton. He broke out of Folsom last night . Apparently he bribed one of the guards
doc#142 broad grass flat which was to be the first night 's bedground. Two of the new hands, a Mexican