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doc#108 terms "Yankeefication", as evidenced in such cities as Charlotte, Birmingham, and Houston
doc#108 present stage of Southern urbanization, such a city as Atlanta is not distinctly unlike
doc#108 little concerned himself with these matters; such are simply not within his bounded province
doc#108 changes? Has the agrarian tradition become such an addiction that the switch to urbanism
doc#108 of even ten years ago. Today's evidence, such as the fact that only three Southern states
doc#108 Beauchamps scattered through the rural South, such men appear to be a vanishing breed. Writers
doc#108 writer could tackle; and the success of such an endeavor is, as suggested above, glaringly
doc#108 this "gracious Old South" imagery, creating such lasting impressions as Margaret Mitchell
doc#108 least one barn burn at midnight". Obviously, such a Northern tourist's purpose is somewhat
doc#108 order in general, and he never deals with such specific aspects of this change as the
doc#110 Missouri Compromise of 1821 -- were made by such master moderates as Clay and Douglas to
doc#110 Even so, confusion in this period gained such strength (from compromise and other factors
doc#110 of the Union, Lincoln himself proposed no such change in the rights the Constitution gave
doc#111 the family is the simplest example of just such a unit, composed of people, which gives
doc#111 understanding. We are desperately in the need of such invention, for man is still very much at
doc#111 act. To say that science had reduced many such fears merely reiterates the obvious and
doc#111 successful patterns in toto because we have such a minimal understanding of their essential
doc#111 our personal experience with individuals such as "trust", "cheat", and "get tough". We
doc#112 conversation with the author would not settle such questions, because a man is not the same
doc#112 new form, and that this form will be of such a type that it admits the chaos and does