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doc#19 as a senator, a fight on Capitol hill. It was defeated in Congress last year. COST UP
doc#19 EXPECTED Congressional reaction to the message was along expected lines. Legislators who last
doc#20 11 senators were on the floor and there was no record vote. A number of scattered "
doc#20 A number of scattered "ayes" and "noes" was heard. </p><p> Customary Senate rules were
doc#20 to the floor. ENFORCE BY DEMAND The rule was enforced by demand of Sen. Wayne Morse
doc#21 case of Portugal, which a few weeks ago was rumored ready to walk out of the NATO Council
doc#22 tougher policy toward the Soviet Union. He was critical of what he feels is President
doc#22 senator told this correspondent that he was constantly being asked why he didn't attack
doc#22 administration on this score. His reply, he said, was that he agreed to the need for unity in
doc#22 country now. But he further said that it was better politics to let others question
doc#22 held responsible if the outcome in Laos was a coalition government susceptible of Communist
doc#22 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization. </p><p> SEATO was steamed up and prepared contingency plans
doc#22 nations disagreed, however.) </p><p> There was the further complication that the administration
doc#22 administration had very early concluded that Laos was ill suited to be an ally, unlike its more
doc#22 the Royal Lao Army. </p><p> There certainly was not any more energy displayed after it
doc#22 was not any more energy displayed after it was clear the United States would not back
doc#22 to Prince Souvanna Phouma, whom it felt was too trusting of Communists, it gradually
doc#22 had to relinquish them. </p><p> One factor was the statement of Senator J. W. Fulbright
doc#24 assembly point. </p><p> Mr. Hawksley said he was not critical of city residents for not
doc#25 deputy city clerk of Central Falls. A copy was released to the press. </p><p> Mr. Notte