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doc#103 Perhaps this is what gives the aborigine
doc#103 moment to realize what was odd about
doc#103 seconds to realize what . It was
doc#104 were confounded by what must have seemed
doc#104 didn't know what he meant.
doc#104 rate, is what happens at the
doc#105 the public to what is being written
doc#106 One girl expressed what was obviously in
doc#106 ask each individually what he expected from
doc#106 from life, what his hopes were
doc#106 hopes were and what his fears. </p>
doc#106 was security; what they feared most
doc#108 Atlanta or Birmingham what Herrick, Dreiser
doc#110 last analysis, what its name implied
doc#110 , they formed what they officially styled
doc#110 , to forestall what they believed would
doc#111 distance. At what stage are social
doc#111 are worried about what people may do
doc#111 one believes that what happens depends not
doc#111 he would know what was required of