This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#145 ". </p><p> Rod looked apprehensively ahead at the narrowing, precipice-walled gorge.
doc#146 be holdin' forth in some bar if he's here at all", Cobb declared, glancing along the
doc#146 belt around, Pat glanced upward briefly at the Palace and started that way with Cobb
doc#146 the Palace and started that way with Cobb at his side. </p><p> Climbing the steps steadily
doc#146 Forced behind him momentarily, Russ followed at once and halted two steps inside. His eyes
doc#146 about idly in its track, and another dozed at one of the card tables. Two men murmured
doc#146 Two men murmured with their heads together at the end of the bar, while the sleek-headed
doc#146 on either side. All the doors were open at this hour except one, and it was toward
doc#146 that Stevens made his way with Russ close at his shoulder. </p><p> The door was locked
doc#146 nimbly aside. With a bellow Carmer lunged at him. But he was more than half-drunk, and
doc#146 held out the battered Stetson. </p><p> "Look at this"! </p><p> Inside the crown, stuffed
doc#146 himself of something unclean. His glance at Gyp Carmer was disdainful. "Shall we get
doc#146 horses. Pat paused there, looking across at the young fellow. "It'll be a pleasure
doc#146 consequence did not see Cobb strike the open range at the mouth of the canyon and head straight
doc#146 bleakly. Yet had he not visited the girl at Saw Buck he would never have been involved
doc#146 </p><p> Nearing home, he jerked to attention at the distant crack of a gun. In town no
doc#146 ? Clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter, with growing alarm. </p>
doc#146 slug clipped fragments from the brush off at one side. The would-be assassin had his
doc#146 went wild before Cobb felt something tug at his foot. A slug had torn half of his stirrup
doc#147 one had much to say. The sky glowered down at them. There was a feeling that this mission