This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#148 we both quickly averted them. I thought I saw a faint surge of color rise to her
doc#137 girl said. She seemed irritated. "I thought I told you to stay home". </p><p> The half-
doc#136 arms; I didn't catch a wink. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Gray Eyes rushing
doc#148 work four hours a day. The rest of the time I devoted to painting or to those other activities
doc#138 corner of the hall on my way to the toilet I still could not tell for sure how far to
doc#127 into three distinctive subgross types. Type I is represented by the cow, sheep, and pig
doc#127 by the distal airways in type II. In type I the pulmonary vein closely follows the
doc#127 limiting supportive tissue septa as in type I , follows a more direct path to the hilum
doc#127 pleural blood supply. It does, as in type I , supply the hilar lymph nodes, the pulmonary
doc#127 to be a small individual lung as in type I . Air-drifts from one area to another are
doc#127 pulmonary vein on the other, as in type I (fig. 24). This relationship, however,
doc#127 and the terminal bronchioles. As in type I , it provides arterial blood to the interlobular
doc#127 Lobularity is extremely well developed in type I ; absent in type II; imperfectly developed
doc#127 airways are similar to those found in type I , being composed of numerous, apparently
doc#127 type II, by the pulmonary artery. In types I , II and III the bronchial artery terminates
doc#127 form taken by the distal airways in types I and III, although small numbers of poorly
doc#127 tissue barriers such as those found in types I and III. One might also wonder if monkeys
doc#127 . Arterial supply to the pleura in types I and III is provided by the bronchial artery
doc#127 found in other mammals. As seen in types I and II, it supplies the hilar lymph nodes
doc#127 and interlobular septa are thick in types I and III. The pleura is extremely thin in