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doc#138 had looked over my forms and was impressed by what he had seen there; indeed, my scholastic
doc#139 office was of logs, four rooms, each heated by an iron stove. The building was dwarfed
doc#139 an iron stove. The building was dwarfed by the scene outside. There a dozen giant
doc#139 upheaval of earth. It was partially cemented by ages and pressure, yet it crumpled before
doc#139 intensity of a cobra. Even Hague was repelled by the machinelike deadliness that was Kodyke
doc#140 lightly on the forehead, the impulse prompted by a stray thought -- of the type to which
doc#140 his nights, nor would his days be haunted by the dimly-outlined, ill-conceived figure
doc#140 upward. She was sure she would reach the pool by climbing, and she clung to that belief
doc#140 from the grove. She had been snared here by a vile sensuality that writhed around her
doc#141 up-pp! I've got something to say to you, and by God you're going to listen. Do you hear
doc#141 he puts the Indian sign on everyone. But, by gosh, I want him and I'm going to have
doc#141 broke off, frowning. "What did you mean by that rattlesnake gag? Getting the boss
doc#141 to protest. The deputy had forced him to by his manner of accosting him. </p><p> So,
doc#141 to him. Donna was like he was. She lived by the rules, never compromising, never blinded
doc#141 compromising, never blinded or diverted by circumstance. And Donna would -- </p><p>
doc#142 to keep them from falling into the creek by which they persisted in playing. Conchita
doc#142 sitting on their heels, rider-fashion, over by the still empty calf wagon. Brannon was
doc#142 boy will be too much under his influence by then. I've got to take Danny away from
doc#142 least to Tom Brannon. He and Hogan waited by the door, one to either side. Macklin was
doc#142 go, Marshal", Brannon said, and took him by the arm. </p><p> Hogan gripped the lawman