This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#145 </p><p> "Sally and her ma want to trade off on account of Harmony being so far along",
doc#145 shoulder. "I'll shore be needing ye both on the pull out o' the canyon". </p><p> Rod
doc#145 her mouth. "Like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown". </p><p> Out of the corner
doc#146 Saloon, the last place of any consequence on this side of the street. </p><p> The Palace
doc#146 elaborate establishment, built practically on stilts in front, with long flights of wooden
doc#146 to rush in and collar the vicious puncher on the spot. </p><p> Reaching the porch rail
doc#146 him deliberately. He did not reply, going on toward the back. Less assured than the
doc#146 the lead, Cobb followed alertly, a hand on his gun butt. The bartender measured this
doc#146 Small rooms, probably for cards, opened off on either side. All the doors were open at
doc#146 brutal thrust that tumbled him over flat on his stomach. Kneeling, Cobb planted a sturdy
doc#146 dropped a few dollars getting that load on ". </p><p> Handing the money over, Russ wiped
doc#146 Handing the money over, Russ wiped his hands on his pants-legs as if ridding himself of
doc#146 Then maybe next time he won't be so quick on the trigger". </p><p> " Pat had never pretended
doc#146 much attention to an occasional shot; but on the range gunfire had a meaning. Hauling
doc#146 his shirtsleeve, and he felt a brief burn on his upper arm. Another snarled close overhead
doc#147 And Sweeney Squadron put its first marks on the combat record. Every plane that could
doc#147 for targets of opportunities around Ormoc on the east coast of Leyte. Each plane carried
doc#147 muddy wet dark world of combat would go on forever. </p><p> The truck dropped them off
doc#147 was dark as the sky above it as he stood on the wing and waited for his pilot. Greg
doc#147 a crew chief to watch his plane take off on a combat mission. Yet long before the scheduled