This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#145 around her mouth. "Like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown". </p><p> Out of the
doc#59 vocational volunteers (laymen, who will be urged to move into the area of new churches
doc#116 initiative of the "proprietorship" type should be urged to produce the desired goods and
doc#124 submarines or guided missiles -- should be usable. If it is possible for an enemy
doc#118 graphite. Sintered porous metals should be usable in principle. However, technical
doc#127 especially so if the dog, cat or monkey are to be used, in view of their marked anatomical
doc#95 complexity, allowing a single propeller to be used, the navy said. </p><p> The hull was
doc#95 teardrop] and her nuclear power plant will be used for almost all new submarines, including
doc#116 Corporations should pay added taxes, to be used for educational purposes (not necessarily
doc#125 </p><p> When paper electrophoresis was to be used for preparation, eight strips of a
doc#123 above-mentioned average velocity should be used in deriving the mass. Zodiacal light
doc#121 agent, the requirements for builders to be used in detergent compositions for washing
doc#102 purported sources. Additional codes can be used to challenge and counterchallenge
doc#119 expected to be especially useful if it could be used to measure the elasticity of heavy
doc#119 available at a very slow rate. A system had to be used which did not depend upon the feeding
doc#119 normal pressures. Such an instrument would be useful for the characterization of many
doc#136 here all the time you knew the Sioux would be using our rifles on them! God, what a world
doc#124 The secondary consequences from this could be very serious and must be taken into consideration
doc#121 vice versa, and a charged particle will be very strongly attracted to a surface exhibiting
doc#103 government justifiably not wish them to be viewed as exhibits in a zoo, but on their