This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#146 have told him"? he asked himself. "It's the second time War Ax hands made a play for that
doc#146 his face. </p><p> When it was followed by a second , whining even closer, Cobb swerved sharply
doc#146 had torn half of his stirrup-guard away. A second twitched his shirtsleeve, and he felt a
doc#147 took two flights, with Todman leading the second , to patrol and look for targets of opportunities
doc#147 enemy? The same old question. And only a few seconds to answer it. </p><p> "Zeros"! Todman said
doc#147 deviating from their original course. </p><p> In seconds , Greg made his decision. </p><p> He pushed
doc#147 the radio button again. "Todman, drop your second element back. If any of us miss, they can
doc#147 Luck was with him. His burst held for a second on the engine section of the plane. The