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doc#140 feet laboriously. She started to brush
doc#140 the trees. She stood quite still
doc#141 same way ... </p><p> She studied him hopefully
doc#137 the firelight. She studied it for
doc#140 her retreat. </p><p> She stumbled over the
doc#137 step back. She swung the quirt
doc#140 evil place. </p><p> She thrust forward through
doc#135 deep tenderness. She too began to
doc#133 the house. She was amazingly light
doc#140 looked around. She was bewildered.
doc#137 death song. She was carrying a
doc#145 unshed tears. She was glad,
doc#63 in reserve. She was moving up
doc#137 the chance. She was quick.
doc#140 guide her. </p><p> She was standing in
doc#148 much care. </p><p> She was standing with
doc#140 move upward. She was sure she
doc#137 me". </p><p> She wiped it off
doc#142 his wife. She wished that she
doc#142 ". </p><p> " She won't change