This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#144 shut and fasten it with a sliding bolt. " You and I have a little talking to do, Jess
doc#144 and I have a little talking to do, Jess. You won't be needing this". He moved up and
doc#144 veins of his neck were swollen. </p><p> " You 're about as dumb as they come, Adams. I
doc#144 you're up to, but when Brenner" -- </p><p> " You can forget about Brenner, too", Curt said
doc#144 Chico. I ain't a gunslinger". </p><p> "No. You 're the kind of bastard who sneaks up on
doc#144 right fist. </p><p> "Tell me about Arbuckle! You killed him, didn't you"? </p><p> "It was
doc#144 anyone who tried to start trouble". </p><p> " You mean anyone who stood up for his rights
doc#144 shoulder, and pulled him into the barn. </p><p> " You 're staying right here for a while. This
doc#144 pistol at Jess. </p><p> "Get out of here. You 're coming along peacefully, or I'll put
doc#146 move in". </p><p> Cobb's assent was tight. " You do the same. It's all I ask, Stevens". </p>
doc#146 loot had been found. 14 "By golly, Stevens! You were right", Russ exclaimed, tearing the
doc#146 still he delayed, his brows puckered. " You owe it to Penny to give her a chance to
doc#146 pretended to give advice in such affairs. " You 're the doctor", he returned with a smile
doc#146 Penny's an awful nice girl, Russ" -- </p><p> " You don't have to tell me", flashed Cobb. Giving
doc#147 to Sweeney Blue. One pass only. No turns. You 'll bust your ass in this canyon. That's
doc#148 was magnificent, the ankle perfect. </p><p> You must forgive me if I seem to dwell too
doc#148 with an unuttered message of "Me, too". You have probably experienced this. It is nothing
doc#148 out"? </p><p> "I don't know", she said. " You 're the man. You figure it out. I've noticed
doc#148 don't know", she said. "You're the man. You figure it out. I've noticed the way you
doc#148 you suggest that he keep the date instead. You are both the same size. He could use your