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doc#119 rates of shear. (Some suspensions break up before they are near to the direction of shear
doc#121 reflectance (whiteness) of the cloth swatches before and after washing. Soil redeposition is
doc#122 the manifold of pre-cooled reaction cells before sealing off. This method in general solved
doc#122 gaseous reactants were immersed in liquid air before opening under sodium iodide). After titration
doc#122 tube was determined by weighing the tube before opening and weighing the fragments after
doc#123 phenomenon also to be expected if the dust before capture is in circular orbits about the
doc#124 , plus a variable period of illness even before a lethal effect, render this weapon unsuitable
doc#124 particle the further it will travel downwind before settling out. An aerosol of such small
doc#125 were washed with large amounts of saline before use. The mixtures of sample plus cell suspension
doc#125 the mixture was incubated for 1 hr at 37°C before centrifugation. The saline tubes were saved
doc#126 weather. Even some of the queens will die before the winter is over, falling prey to enemies
doc#126 deposit an egg on a completed loaf of beebread before the bumblebees seal the egg compartment
doc#133 he brought more water in from the spring before it got dark. He carried the tub from the
doc#134 huskily. "Lived alone here for three years, before any man came. Lived alone by the river.
doc#134 primeval, as if no man had ever trespassed before . It looked as Gavin had first seen it years
doc#134 landscape the caravan of his desires passed before his mind. He saw them ambushed, strewn
doc#134 wall with the sleeve of his jacket raised before his eyes to shut out the light. Purvis
doc#134 he would never see again. The Gap looming before him -- the place where he had confronted
doc#135 kept walking and got within arm's reach before the man became suspicious and straightened
doc#135 managed to bat the muzzle away a moment before it exploded. The bullet went wide. Mike