This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#134 to Gavin and told him how his cattle were being rustled at the far end of the valley. He
doc#139 have reached his spot nor held it without being ruthless, and Hague had made a virtue of
doc#145 want to trade off on account of Harmony being so far along", Dan explained. "Jackson
doc#11 the Senate, where a similar proposal is being sponsored by Sen. George Parkhouse of Dallas
doc#101 undergoing alteration; to some degree they are being supplanted by a concept of national responsibility
doc#100 likes to believe. I never heard of a poll being taken on the question. No doubt such a
doc#100 than the rest of the country. So instead of being tests of the South's loyalty, the Spanish
doc#140 <p> Silence came into the forest -- a solid being that clapped its hand over the murmuring
doc#22 compelled to make. It excuses these actions as being the chain reaction to basic errors made
doc#115 spectacular victories, the central theme being the heroic loyalty of the Swedish people
doc#61 Orioles tonight retained the distinction of being the only winless team among the eighteen
doc#145 she replied. "Not that it matters to me, being this far along". </p><p> Rod gave her a warm
doc#136 people take over this land". </p><p> I remember being told it would happen so fast people would
doc#27 affixed their names, it was learned, after being told that no tax increase would be possible
doc#100 assumption seems to be that any such friends, being tolerable humans, must be more liberal
doc#135 hinges held, but the planks were in danger of being torn from the crossbars. </p><p> Mike rolled
doc#118 more than 50% of the total energy input is being transferred to the cooling medium of the
doc#101 perhaps even greater importance, is now being traversed: American immersion and involvement
doc#132 knowledge must determine how these defenses are being used, what healthy shifts in defensive
doc#22 inspection system which will prevent Laos from being used as a base for Communist attacks on