This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#136 The men seem to think so". </p><p> "Dirion found a large war party south of us. They'll
doc#136 we were using as protection, I grudgingly found myself agreeing with Oso's logic, especially
doc#136 corded with the strain of his screams. I found his chest in my sights. It had a red circle
doc#137 finishing the dishes, if you want me". </p><p> He found the pan where he had dropped it and carried
doc#138 mounted at such a rate recently that I now found its realization necessary not only to my
doc#139 Boyd. "Bury those uniforms so they won't be found ". </p><p> Then Barton touched Carl Dill's
doc#139 on their heels in the deep mud and Dill found a cigar in his breast pocket, passing it
doc#139 Normally Hague wasted no words, but now he found himself unable to stop their flow although
doc#140 husband. If, when this was all over, she found the words to tell him about it, she wondered
doc#141 ruthlessly away from her. </p><p> Miraculously, she found exactly the right statement. She began
doc#141 very quickly, she knew (although he seldom found occasion to do so), but he was more wiry
doc#143 estimated the shot had come. But he had found all of the thickets and points of cover
doc#143 most of the day searching out the area. He found nothing, but he still refused to give up
doc#143 some time to locate Horn. He was finally found in the Bates Hole region of Natrona County
doc#143 Not even an empty cartridge case could be found . </p><p> Once again, Tom Horn was the first
doc#143 wonder. "I seen a lot o' things in my time. I found a trooper once the Apache had spread-eagled
doc#143 POWELL'S WAS. </p><p> This was the message found tacked to the cabin door. Keane left, within
doc#143 an era when top hands worked for $30 and found .) Rumor had it he slipped two small rocks
doc#144 grain being ground between strong jaws. He found a match in his pocket and lit it. </p><p>
doc#144 let his hands fall to his sides. He had found Curt's weakness, or what to Jess was a