This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#143 plain, straight-out shoot-down". </p><p> He had lots of friends, then as always. Even as
doc#141 be prepared for almost any emergency. He had to depend on himself, since he was invariably
doc#143 might be his downfall in the end. </p><p> He had made himself the personification of the
doc#138 of my background applying at the hall. He had looked over my forms and was impressed
doc#141 up in town with a pistol on his hip. He had a legitimate reason for wearing it. It
doc#133 along the ditches in his meadows. </p><p> He had no idea how much time Budd would give him
doc#139 thousand dollars of the syndicate's money. He had done time for the theft. </p><p> The one
doc#143 spread. His land had never been plowed. He had done his rustling openly and boasted about
doc#137 were doing him a favor by pretending. He had n't shown up too well in their eyes, letting
doc#135 , in fact, showing signs of reviving. He had been carrying an Enfield rifle and a holstered
doc#144 and let his hands fall to his sides. He had found Curt's weakness, or what to Jess
doc#105 States, by way of Switzerland. After he had spent the first three years in New York
doc#147 to the enemy, if it was the enemy, and he had n't been spotted already. But the closing
doc#141 over them -- make them toe the line, as he had to -- if he knuckled under to this small
doc#141 intricate scheme was working out exactly as he had planned. Along with this self-satisfaction
doc#105 with pleasure over a Poussin exhibit he had been able to see in Paris a year ago. </p>
doc#107 funding operations of the Government he had to resort to borrowing small sums from
doc#133 want a wife who was fickle as Ann. If he had married her, he'd have been asking for
doc#133 and for so long that now he felt as if he had nothing. The easiest thing would be to
doc#147 climbed into the cockpit feeling as if he had never been in one before. But his hands