This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#133 much and for so long that now he felt as if he had nothing. The easiest thing would
doc#148 outspread, on the desk in an odd gesture as if to say, "Now, what next"? </p><p> I was aware
doc#133 or say anything. Her eyes were glazed as if she didn't hear or even see him. She had
doc#147 ahead of them, the relief was as great as if the sun had come out. He spread the flight
doc#148 wife. </p><p> I quit work at my usual hour as if this day was no different from other days
doc#146 Russ wiped his hands on his pants-legs as if ridding himself of something unclean. His
doc#112 are distinct, but not fine. They look as if they had been sculptured with an unsharpened
doc#109 his dancers are sometimes made to look as if they might be creatures from Mars, this
doc#114 newer, for one thing). It really looked as if a change of the sort predicted by Booker
doc#69 for the home folks again, and it looks as if coach Hank Stram's men will meet the Bills
doc#103 land which the aborigine wanders looks as if it should be hospitable. It is softened
doc#148 felt that her eyes were undressing me as if she were a painter and I a nude model.
doc#132 experiences flashed through her mind as if they had happened yesterday. On the anniversary
doc#133 porch and sat down, his gaze on Morgan as if half expecting him to shoot and not really
doc#134 made him bend low over the horse's neck as if to hide from a wind that had begun to blow
doc#147 clearly identifiable enemy continued on as if no one else were around. "They haven't
doc#147 up the RPM, and the engine responded as if it had been waiting. The clearly identifiable
doc#113 a wonderfully enhanced sense of self as if he had discovered the open sesame to the
doc#133 north of the line". </p><p> Jones sighed as if relieved. "We've been looking for work,
doc#139 you find him"? </p><p> Dill was silent as if he hated to answer, and Barton had a cold