This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#114 Liberals (there are a good many) -- especially if they're rich -- often exhibit blithe insouciance
doc#116 strength of our society's organs to see if their functioning is as healthy as before
doc#116 future is to be extremely shortsighted, if nothing else. We must believe we have the
doc#116 version known as "the corporation". But even if we cannot see the repulsive characteristics
doc#116 constructing major airports or dams. Thus, if corporations are not to run away with us
doc#116 threatening the security of the proprietorship, if internally motivated, prevent a healthy
doc#116 unable to do. Also, I am convinced that if my company were a sole proprietorship instead
doc#117 measured intensities of Venus and Jupiter if a substantial part of the radiation had
doc#117 specify the origin of the radiation, and only if the planet really radiates as a black body
doc#119 feeding of the fluid into the manometer if measurements of the normal pressure were
doc#119 instrument is expected to be especially useful if it could be used to measure the elasticity
doc#119 calculated from the various radii of curvature if we assume: (<bital>A<eital>) The surface
doc#119 independent of pressure or volume. In other words, if an ideal gas is compressed and kept at
doc#121 stick to an uncharged surface. Obviously, if colloidal particles bear charges of opposite
doc#121 particles bear charges of opposite sign or, if one kind is charged and the other kind
doc#123 value used is also open to some question; if a substantial fraction of the dust is orbiting
doc#123 blanket, a phenomenon also to be expected if the dust before capture is in circular
doc#123 interplanetary space near the Earth. Of course, if there is a dust blanket around the Earth
doc#123 , permitting the calculation of the mass if the velocity is known (Cook and Whipple
doc#127 wide limits anatomy dictates function and, if one is permitted to speculate, potential