This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#130 emphasized that the modernizing process in each society will take a considerable period
doc#116 that whatever good this set-up achieved in earlier times, now the corporation per
doc#101 years ago, while the nation was wallowing in economic depression, the prevailing philosophy
doc#101 ", President Roosevelt's ill-starred but in effect victorious "Court-packing plan",
doc#123 associated Poynting-Robertson effect increase in effectiveness as the particle size decreases
doc#55 schedule calls for a noon speech Monday in Eugene at the Emerald Empire Kiwanis Club
doc#105 . In recent years he has traveled widely in Europe, conducting in Italy, France, Austria
doc#116 control. Properly mindful of all the cultures in existence today throughout the world, we
doc#83 regrettable action". </p><p> The reduction in expenses will affect employees in the thirteen
doc#101 implanted internally, it is a growing factor in external matters. </p><p> A little more than
doc#108 to eulogize; according to many critics, in fact, the South has led the North in literature
doc#142 them, and then it was too late. They closed in fast, kept him from reaching inside his
doc#118 temperature measured with the thermocouple shown in figure 2 was <formul>. The <formul> values
doc#135 a ludicrous effort. Both buildings were in flames. The heat drove the guerrillas back
doc#54 and in which we would have some confidence in following. </p><p> Mrs. Molvar, who kept
doc#129 regulus which meets the plane of the pencil in <formul> lines, namely the images of the
doc#128 posterior hypothalamus causes a lessening in frequency and amplitude of cortical strychnine
doc#114 period, the immigrants having been brought in from Southern Europe, to work in the mills
doc#146 establishment, built practically on stilts in front, with long flights of wooden steps
doc#140 yet too far for her to hear. Silence stood in front of her, waiting, and in back of her