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doc#114 <p> A dear, respected friend of mine, who like myself grew up in the South and has spent
doc#148 contour of her face, her smile that was like New Orleans sunshine, the way she held
doc#134 ever been. Start out fresh, the two of us, like nothin had ever happened". </p><p> "Yes,
doc#139 n't leave him there. Donald Kruger would like nothing better than to hold him as hostage
doc#148 studying the physical body. The true artist is like one of those scientists who, from a single
doc#131 dominantly in every part of it. In societies like ours, however, its place is less clear
doc#11 Dallas and Fort Worth to cover up places like Paradise, a Wise County hamlet of 250 people
doc#117 ) identified the origin of interference- like radio noise on their records at about 15
doc#145 nearsightedly scrutinized Dan's face. "How's Sally like rubbin' agin that thar little ticklebrush
doc#113 sacred road to integration of being. Jazz, like sex, is a mystique. It is not a substitute
doc#134 with her at Gavin's party. He treats her like she was dirt. And you stand by like a fool
doc#147 a moment when damage could be done. Just like shooting at a duck while performing a half
doc#136 endless. Coyotes and hunting wolves sounded like signaling Indian scouts, the whinny of
doc#148 several weeks we eyed one another almost like sparring partners, and then one day Uncle
doc#134 horses were lathered and their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind. </p><p>
doc#103 blindfolded". </p><p> "Here, Idje, you fella like tabac"? he said sharply. Idje still stared
doc#137 meanness, self-will. He had known women like that, one woman in particular. And one
doc#144 n't seem quite right, telling her a thing like that. Couldn't I just" -- His voice trailed
doc#137 better things to do than listen to something like that. I'll be down at the creek finishing
doc#143 there's two men in this state can shoot like that"? </p><p> Publicly, he denied everything