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doc#126 short turf of well-kept lawns, where their little mounds of earth often appear by the hundreds
doc#104 alcoves in the top arcade. Here in these little rooms -- or stages arched open to the sky
doc#136 bitter. "It was a terrible thing to do. Those little children ...". </p><p> But Oso replied calmly
doc#126 such pair standing on a green, black-tipped little scale. By scrutinizing the flowers, one
doc#130 rapidly changing societies there is also too little appreciation of the need for effort to
doc#100 opposition between liberals and Bourbons is too little understood in the North. The race problem
doc#148 told me the time was opportune. There was little likelihood of any customers walking in
doc#142 along. The seventh man was Red Hogan, a wiry little puncher with a wild streak and a liking
doc#123 radius. </p><p> Space probes have yielded little information. Pioneer I recorded a decrease