This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#122 capillary tubing 2.5 mm. i.d. and about 15 cm. long . In a few experiments the tubes were made
doc#122 consisted of 10 mm. i.d. Pyrex tubing, 5.5 cm. long , diffraction effects being minimized by
doc#123 sensitive areas, have collected data for long enough times to give reliable impact rates
doc#126 baskets and possesses only a large number of long , branched hairs on its legs, on which the
doc#127 infection might be related to its delicate, long alveolar ducts and short, large bronchioles
doc#130 countries must formulate a comprehensive, long -term program covering the objectives of
doc#130 underdeveloped countries must have a realistically long working horizon. It must be marked by a
doc#131 solidarity of the group. </p><p> Durkheim noted long ago that religion as "... a unified system
doc#132 locating brief treatment at the bottom and long -term intensive service at the top, instead
doc#133 had revolved around her so much and for so long that now he felt as if he had nothing.
doc#135 someone on guard, but the hat might fool them long enough for me to get close". </p><p> Holding
doc#136 prepared one of the best meals we'd had in a long time, and on Montero's orders had baked
doc#136 didn't expect the attack before dawn, the long cloudy night, filled with the sounds of
doc#136 opening in the valley, then spread out in a long line to come at us, brandishing their lances
doc#136 came nearer and nearer. </p><p> My God, how long is he going to wait, I thought .... </p>
doc#136 small creek. His legs pumped furiously, his long black hair streamed out behind him. There
doc#136 waited for Montero. This time he delayed so long that some of the engages shouted frantically
doc#136 hands in manes, knees in bellies, held on as long as possible and then, weak from ghastly
doc#137 </p><p> He was taken aback. It took him a long time to compose himself. </p><p> "There's
doc#137 reaches of the firelight. She studied it for a long time. Then she turned back to Wilson and