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doc#116 which could amplify, project, or augment man 's control over himself and over other men
doc#116 philosophic institutions foster rather than hamper man 's best growth. But we cannot start off
doc#116 institutions with respect to the effect of each on man 's major needs. Asked which institution
doc#124 or reducing the military effectiveness of man . It is the exploitation of the inherent
doc#124 unsuitable for hand-to-hand encounter. A man can be an effective fighting machine throughout
doc#124 unique medical problems might be created when man is exposed to an infectious agent through
doc#127 developing bronchiolitis as we know it in man or the horse. In addition, it would be
doc#127 lung appears to be remarkably like that of man , insofar as this can be ascertained from
doc#127 pulmonary studies if they are to be applied to man . This is especially so if the dog, cat
doc#127 their marked anatomical differences from man . Finally, it is suggested that in many
doc#128 individual experience and are aroused in man , in addition, by complex symbols, one would
doc#128 sexual functions. It should be added that in man neocortical-hypothalamic interrelations
doc#128 reflexly via the baroreceptor reflexes in man and animals. </p><p> Of particular importance
doc#128 various moods and states of emotions in man and beast under physiological circumstances
doc#131 enhancing, implementing, and perpetuating man 's deepest experience -- the religious.
doc#131 not permanent defeat and disappearance; man has a second chance. He is not lost in
doc#131 experience of spiritual fulfillment by inviting man into the highest realm of the spirit. Religion
doc#131 ethical, aesthetic, and religious -- of man formed in his culture. </p><p> There is also
doc#131 and, as Lippman put it, "mobilizing all man 's scattered energies in one triumphant
doc#131 addition to the functions of religion within man , there have always been the outer social