This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#23 executive director of the new Committee on Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime. </p>
doc#24 would only have to put up half that amount on a matching fund basis to defray the salary
doc#25 adopted by the Central Falls City Council on July 10 and sent to the state house by
doc#25 the types of merchandise that may be sold on the Sabbath. </p><p> The Central Falls City
doc#25 concern especially that more foods be placed on the eligible list and that neighborhood
doc#25 variety stores be allowed to do business on Sunday. </p><p> The only day they "have a
doc#25 chance to compete with large supermarkets is on Sunday", the council's resolution said.
doc#25 department stores not be allowed to do business" on Sunday. They "operate on a volume basis
doc#25 to do business" on Sunday. They "operate on a volume basis", it was contended, "and
doc#26 a better pull at the right lever for him on election day. </p><p> He said he was "confessing
doc#26 the way in which he has turned his back on his 1910 philosophy, Mr. Reama said: "A
doc#27 signatures to assure the scheduling of a vote on the home rule charter and possible election
doc#27 council must establish procedures for a vote on the issue within 60 days after the board
doc#27 think we should certainly follow through on it", he declared. "It has become our responsibility
doc#27 members of the group are interested in running on the required non-partisan ballot for posts
doc#27 the required non-partisan ballot for posts on the charter commission. </p><p> "Our most
doc#28 Johnston Sanitary District sewer system. Action on a new ordinance permitting motorists who
doc#29 H. Jones R-Bergen, last night disagreed on the value of using as a campaign issue
doc#29 candidate, that the GOP is "Campaigning on the carcass of Eisenhower Republicanism
doc#29 intention of the Republican Party to campaign on the carcass of what they call Eisenhower