This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#103 boulder, stopped the Land Rover, and walked over toward the family. </p><p> The man was leaning
doc#103 gazed away from us as we approached. He was over six feet tall and very thin. His legs were
doc#103 black hair and a wispy beard. The ridges over his eyes were huge and his eyelids were
doc#103 was not merely that flies were crawling over his face but his narrowed eyelids did not
doc#103 arms moved in a slow rhythmical gesture over the family possessions which were placed
doc#103 tabac"? he said sharply. Idje still stared over our shoulders at the horizon. The Australian
doc#104 promenade: merchants from the bazaar bickering over a deal; a Bakhtiari khan in a cap and hacking
doc#105 and Franz Hals. He was not enthusiastic over the newly acquired Claude Lorrain, but
doc#105 Claude Lorrain, but reminisced with pleasure over a Poussin exhibit he had been able to see
doc#107 beloved Mount Vernon, he returned to preside over the Federal Convention, and was the only
doc#107 author of "The Federalist", he swung New York over from opposition to the Constitution to
doc#107 on the way to a party. Hamilton was bent over his desk, drafting a legal paper by the
doc#108 buried beneath a four-lane super highway, over which travel each day suburbanite businessmen
doc#108 largest growth of the period for all cities over 25,000. </p><p> The field, then, is ripe
doc#108 useful and reliable through repeated testings over the decades. Lacking the pioneer spirit
doc#108 example of the changes which have crept over the Southern region may be seen in the
doc#109 clad from head to toe in fabric stretched over a series of hoops, the performer may well
doc#109 impelled to make dances that "moved all over the stage", much as Pollock's paintings
doc#109 much as Pollock's paintings move violently over the full extent of the canvas. But her
doc#111 , not because we have gained any control over this misfortune, but precisely because