This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#142 two facing him. He held a cigarette in his right hand. It was burning away, forgotten. His
doc#142 Maguire added, "So am I, Tom". </p><p> "All right ", Brannon said, rising. "We'll ride out
doc#142 pressure. </p><p> He swore, and said, "All right . It's here in my pocket". </p><p> "Get it
doc#143 next time"! he raged. "I'll be shootin' right back". </p><p> He had his chance the very
doc#143 little fires until their brains was exploded right out o' their skulls. I heard o' Texas cattlemen
doc#144 Brenner's plans. "It doesn't seem quite right , telling her a thing like that. Couldn't
doc#144 still missing and that his own gray was all right , then climbed through a back window and
doc#144 a step and holstered his own. </p><p> "All right , Crouch; we're on even terms. Now draw"
doc#144 Jess's swarthy face. The fingers of his right hand twisted into a claw, but he didn't
doc#144 back, and caught Curt with a roundhouse right which sent him spinning. An inch lower
doc#144 the man's shirtfront, and drew back his right fist. </p><p> "Tell me about Arbuckle! You
doc#144 him into the barn. </p><p> "You're staying right here for a while. This dirty coward just
doc#145 to see that things were working out the right way for both Sally and Dan. ... And she
doc#145 further and say she hoped they'd be just as right as they now were for her and for Rod. But
doc#145 the load. "A body would swear I floated right up here on a cloud"! </p><p> Rod and Dan
doc#145 and tied it tight at the ends. </p><p> "My right leg's stiff as a board this morning", he
doc#145 the train now. Besides, 'tain't no more'n right for me to follow with my black oxen, so
doc#145 their waiting teams. </p><p> "Reckon ye're right , Dan", Hez called back over his shoulder
doc#146 been found. 14 "By golly, Stevens! You were right ", Russ exclaimed, tearing the loose bills
doc#147 </p><p> And then he thought Todman might be right . His mind flicked through the mental pictures