This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#111 to others. I believe that what I do has some effect on his actions and I have learned
doc#106 ", I continued my attack. "You must have some security", said a young clerk. </p><p> When
doc#144 difference. Somebody in this town must still have some backbone". </p><p> Over his shoulder he could
doc#109 second and to leap wildly the next will have some physical preparation for the leap. </p><p>
doc#54 make some sense and in which we would have some confidence in following. </p><p> Mrs. Molvar
doc#139 What's wrong with him"? </p><p> "He's having some kind of a fit". </p><p> The sergeant turned
doc#54 everybody is agreed that we need to hear some voice on the national level that would
doc#27 movement". He said he would not be surprised if some of the more than 30 members of the group
doc#130 interest will have to be recreated -- in some of the new nations, indeed, they must be
doc#102 , several kinds of radio systems and, in some cases, television, link all vital points
doc#132 prevention at the secondary -- or perhaps, in some instances, primary -- level, the place
doc#132 to the client's initial need for help. In some programs, treatment is concentrated over
doc#124 by this route than when given per os. In some instances a different clinical disease
doc#111 interesting separate subject for study. In some areas, the progress is slower than in others
doc#47 account for 95 percent of the accomodations in some hotels. REVENUE ESTIMATED The city expects
doc#107 confessed. Their social status was achieved in some cases by birth, as with Washington, Jefferson
doc#131 conservation of social values, though also in some measure, an obstacle to the creation or
doc#25 State and Rhode Island and dating back in some instances to colonial times, severely limit
doc#139 the bed of an ancient river, buckled in some prehistoric upheaval of earth. It was partially
doc#126 the "cuckoo-bumblebee" as it is called in some European countries. Female individuals