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doc#101 town. </p><p> In the past, the duties of the state , as Sir Henry Maine noted long ago, were
doc#101 claimants for the loyalties of men, the nation- state maintained an adequate measure of certainty
doc#101 paid by statesman or scholar to an idea of state responsibility, either internally or externally
doc#101 welfare of the people within the territorial state was strongly resisted. Social Darwinism
doc#101 negative in nature (the "night-watchman state ") to one with affirmative duties to perform
doc#101 affirmative duties to perform. The "positive state " came into existence. For lawyers, reflecting
doc#101 facets of the American version of the welfare state have become part of the conventional wisdom
doc#101 local economic distress won out over a " state 's-responsibility" proposal -- provision
doc#101 principle. In its beginnings the nation- state had to struggle to assert itself -- internally
doc#101 nationalism. (Since the time-span of the nation- state coincides roughly with the separate existence
doc#101 epitomizes and glorifies the territorial state as the characteristic type of socal structure
doc#101 usefulness of nationalism and the territorial state are rapidly dissipating at precisely the
doc#101 dissipating at precisely the time that the nation- state attained its highest number (approximately
doc#101 together they helped shore up the nation- state . While sovereignty has roots in antiquity
doc#101 ultimate political power. </p><p> The nation- state , then, exemplifies the principle of nationalism
doc#107 the peace that ended the war, headed the state government of Pennsylvania, and exercised
doc#107 ideology, wrote the constitution of his home state of Massachusetts, negotiated, with Franklin
doc#107 displacing -- affectionate ties to one's own state , was epitomized by Washington. His first
doc#107 upholding the latter position. </p><p> THE state 's rights position was formulated by Jefferson
doc#107 , but in their later careers as heads of state the two proved themselves better Hamiltonians