This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#81 golf with a serious intensity, Palmer has such an inherent sense of humor that it relieves
doc#69 we can against Denver because they have such an explosive attack", explained Stram.
doc#111 successful patterns in toto because we have such a minimal understanding of their essential
doc#126 species seem to prefer a ready-made hollow such as a deserted mouse nest, a bird house,
doc#123 orbits are probably nearly circular. If such is the case, the particles within a distance
doc#81 frustrations were driving them to despair. If such a paragon of perfection as Palmer could
doc#129 the multiple secants can intersect. For if such were the case, either the plane of the
doc#103 signals or weakens is done. I do not know if such a way of life can come to be a self-conscious
doc#140 before had she felt or dreamt or imagined such a scene? She already knew this unwholesome
doc#121 waters, in addition, often contain impurities such as calcium salts which can react with soils
doc#120 oxygens of the neighboring lower layer, in such a manner that the repeat is every three
doc#146 Pat had never pretended to give advice in such affairs. "You're the doctor", he returned
doc#136 the top of the bale, firing four arrows in such rapid succession it didn't seem possible
doc#9 annual occupation license on brokers in such as stocks and bonds. <crule2> NATURAL GAS
doc#108 terms "Yankeefication", as evidenced in such cities as Charlotte, Birmingham, and Houston
doc#121 to congregate at oil-water interfaces in such a manner that the polar (or ionized) end
doc#121 testing of detergent formulations are made in such a way that only part of the soil is removed
doc#62 Unfortunately, Brooks' teammates were not in such festive mood as the Orioles expired before
doc#130 its announcement. The civil services in such societies are generally inadequate to deal
doc#124 </p><p> The importance of particle size in such aerosols has been thoroughly demonstrated