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doc#101 the downfall of feudalism led, not more than two centuries ago, to the surge of nationalism
doc#101 type of socal structure. But it is more than that. For it includes the emotional ties
doc#101 pattern is uneven, some having gained more than others, nationalism has in fact served
doc#101 number (approximately 100). But it is more than irony: one of the main reasons why nationalism
doc#102 consoles can give him instant contact with more than seventy bases around the world and with
doc#103 with my binoculars. It was nothing more than a tiny distant rain squall, a dull gray
doc#103 men who attempted nothing more difficult than a twenty-mile hike and slowly lost direction
doc#103 onto a smaller road which was nothing more than two tire marks on the earth. The rancher
doc#103 apple. </p><p> The odor here was more powerful than that which surrounded the town aborigines
doc#103 . The smell at first was more surprising than unpleasant. It was also subtly familiar
doc#103 realized the aborigines were much darker than they appeared; as if the coating of sweat
doc#104 encroached. Isfahan became more of a legend than a place, and now it is for many people
doc#104 pavilion. </p><p> The top story contains more than thirty alcoves separated from each other
doc#104 brick, and tile they have made far more than just a bridge. </p><p> On spring and summer
doc#104 </p><p> Poetry in Persian life is far more than a common ground on which -- in a society
doc#104 form. Poetry for a Persian is nothing less than truth and beauty. In most Western cultures
doc#106 classified as uninterested and bored rather than angry. I was far from convinced of the
doc#107 respects, their task was incomparably greater than ours today, for there was nobody before
doc#107 for posterity. Their writings assume more than dramatic or patriotic interest because
doc#107 with each other were more consequential than their differences. Even though in most