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doc#104 buildings have not fallen and flowed back to their original mud, so the values which wanted
doc#104 white rooms with daises of turquoise tile, their end walls cut through to the orchards and
doc#104 lutihaw, mustachioed toughs who spend most of their lives in and out of the local prisons,
doc#104 spring and summer evenings people leave their shops and houses and walk up through the
doc#104 who stand with the stillness of the blind, their eyes filmed with rheum and visions; the
doc#104 visions; the old Kajar princes arriving in their ancient limousines; students, civil servants
doc#104 toughs and blades of the city hoot and bang their drums, drink arak, play dice, and dance
doc#104 the moon, a beautiful face. To a stranger their delight in these things may seem paradoxical
doc#104 -- all may stand. It contains, in fact, their whole outlook on life. And it is expressed
doc#104 on life. And it is expressed, at least to their taste, in a perfect form. Poetry for a
doc#105 . As more and more Jewish musicians lost their jobs with professional organizations Steinberg
doc#106 One girl expressed what was obviously in their minds. </p><p> "Would you advise us to act
doc#106 most was war or political instability in their own country. </p><p> The ideal home, they
doc#107 Seven were essentially congenial minds, and their agreements with each other were more consequential
doc#107 completion of the definitive editions of their writings is still years off, enough documentation
doc#107 common profile it is well to remember that their separate careers were extraordinary. Certainly
doc#107 obstinate, they were amazingly articulate, wrote their own copy, and were masters of phrasemaking
doc#107 who could write with a drop of vitriol on their pens. John Adams dismissed John Dickinson
doc#107 of the colonies were in accordance with their charters, the British Constitution and
doc#107 the Kentucky and Virginia Resolves, but in their later careers as heads of state the two