This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#123 ; hence, these figures apply immediately
doc#123 last column; these figures constitute the
doc#127 <p> In conclusion, these findings suggest the
doc#119 apparently reached with these fluids. It
doc#102 messages. What these fragments are and
doc#135 . Mike stripped these from him and
doc#0 proportionate distribution of these funds might disable
doc#0 fit to distribute these funds through the
doc#129 g. On these generators let <formul>
doc#101 unanimity exists that these governmental efforts are
doc#130 view that until these governments demand efficiency
doc#104 bridges, for these great structures are
doc#135 the rest of these horses so they
doc#124 capable of passing these impinging barriers and
doc#131 <p> In providing for these inner individual functions
doc#114 recent past, these institutions having previously
doc#123 wire gages; these instruments are installed
doc#113 to understand how these internal contradictions are
doc#122 We are reporting these investigations here briefly
doc#129 most obvious of these is the quadratic