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doc#132 experimentation with multipurpose agencies, especially those that combine afresh the traditional functions
doc#134 as Gavin had first seen it years ago, on those nights when he slept alone by his campfire
doc#138 mess around with them, he said. Each of those tickets was of great value to its rightful
doc#139 said briefly, and turned to Kid Boyd. "Bury those uniforms so they won't be found". </p><p>
doc#140 think about time. That was another one of those traps. </p><p> In her grim pursuit of tranquillity
doc#143 them and threatened them. He was a man, those neighbors testified later, who didn't have
doc#145 rocks, leaving their own records along with those made by the earlier trains. Soon she saw
doc#145 , way back there when they were crossing those other mountains. </p><p> Next morning, they
doc#147 never been in one before. But his hands and those of Donovan moved automatically adjusting
doc#148 now I understand why they are classics; those who wrote them knew people and what made
doc#148 mild undercurrent of incest) who ran one of those antique shops in New Orleans' Vieux Carre
doc#148 of the time I devoted to painting or to those other activities a young and healthy man
doc#148 physical body. The true artist is like one of those scientists who, from a single bone can
doc#148 remember who wrote it but it was one of those 15th or 16th century poets. In those days
doc#148 of those 15th or 16th century poets. In those days poems often told a story in verse
doc#148 days poems often told a story in verse and those boys had some corkers to tell; and now