This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#147 engine cowling vanished. It was all Greg had time to see. His maneuvering for the shot had
doc#143 dawn and began their day's work. Haying time was close at hand, and they needed some
doc#142 her father's house for a time. Give her time to miss you. Maybe she will then come to
doc#17 other White House business to devote all his time and attention to working on the Berlin
doc#140 medieval fortress, eclipsing the sun and human time . At one and the same time, she was within
doc#104 aromatick a Market as any in the Universe". In time Isfahan came to be known as "half the world
doc#25 recommendations for possible changes in time for the next session of the General Assembly
doc#132 rather than defeating. While expensive in time and involving a great deal of adaptation
doc#130 illusions, we can afford to wait, for in time their comparative lack of progress will
doc#101 its decisions altered in "the switch in time that saved nine", President Roosevelt's
doc#122 actinometer solution illuminated for a known time in a typical reaction cell and making appropriate
doc#102 American nuclear strike. There is little time for the men in the command centers to reflect
doc#148 years older than I and it had been a long time since I had seen as gorgeous a woman who
doc#21 those who have never, or not for a long time , had such problems. The nightmare of a
doc#137 the firelight. She studied it for a long time . Then she turned back to Wilson and smiled
doc#141 been laying for Aaron McBride for a long time , just waiting to catch him out of line.
doc#137 <p> He was taken aback. It took him a long time to compose himself. </p><p> "There's some
doc#136 one of the best meals we'd had in a long time , and on Montero's orders had baked enough
doc#44 been observing the political scene a long time , no script from the past is worth very
doc#114 them to others". </p><p> But that was a long time ago. The New England conscience became