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doc#139 lead, seven men riding quietly through the night . </p><p> The only thing which would have
doc#139 Emmett. He had been one of the original Night Riders, one who had escaped the trial.
doc#139 for the valley. You're the only man the Night Riders will follow. We've been starving
doc#139 bunch of ranchers onto horses, to call them Night Riders, to set out to attack the largest
doc#139 Dill had worked tirelessly to effect this night 's escape. </p><p> He said now, "I've got
doc#139 Mitchell Barton. He broke out of Folsom last night . Apparently he bribed one of the guards
doc#139 time to fix them. We don't want Barton's Night Riders loose again". </p><p> The gunman nodded
doc#140 Indian ghosts would not impinge upon his nights , nor would his days be haunted by the dimly
doc#142 broad grass flat which was to be the first night 's bedground. Two of the new hands, a Mexican
doc#142 were picked for the first trick of riding night herd. </p><p> The rest of the crew offsaddled
doc#145 posted, than the whole camp turned in for a night of sound sleep. For Matilda, it was the
doc#145 it was the first she had known in many a night . Even the knowledge that she was losing