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doc#102 have fragments of the go code with them. As Wisman put it, "They have separate pieces
doc#130 societies can expect to face difficult times. As the historic processes of modernization
doc#147 etched their way into the gray and vanished. As if drawn by a wire the enemy flew into
doc#107 nobody before them to show them the way. As Madison commented to Jefferson in 1789,
doc#142 remember you", he said. "Every last one of you. As for you, Brannon" -- </p><p> "Put your gun
doc#107 was negotiating the peace settlement: " As an independent American I considered all
doc#139 "How do the valley people feel"? </p><p> " As mad as ever. But Kruger's men keep them
doc#105 exposed to it enough to hazard comments. " As my wife puts it", he said, again with a
doc#68 incomplete pass into Gannon's territory. </p><p> " As soon as it started to form, Gannon spotted
doc#35 Democratic leader. MAYOR VISITS BUCKLEY As usual, he made no attempt to get in touch