This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#122 chlorine with liquid carbon tetrachloride at 65° is of the order of magnitude of unity
doc#122 of the order of unity in the liquid phase at 65° using light absorbed only by the <formul>
doc#122 distillation. The purified product was stored at -78° in a tube equipped with a break seal
doc#122 take place. The radiochlorine was stored at -78° in a tube equipped with a break seal
doc#122 distilled at least three times from a trap at -78° to a liquid air trap with only a small
doc#117 Very recently, observations have been made at 8-mm wave length with a reflector 22 meters
doc#117 1959<bital>a<eital>), and apparently the emission at 8 mm is not nearly so sensitive to differences
doc#72 the mound against veteran John Tsitouris at 8 o'clock Tuesday night ... Ed Donnelly
doc#122 the order of <formul> have been observed at 85°. Despite extensive attempts to obtain
doc#57 speak Sunday night at the Masonic Temple at a $25-a-plate dinner honoring Sen. Wayne
doc#127 bronchial artery flow would remain constant at a certain low level when pressure was maintained
doc#112 teacher of literature, a Jesuit father, at a conference on religious drama near Paris
doc#46 Hughes concern contracted to do the repairs at a cost of $500 for each joint. The bid
doc#143 heard about Lewis, even after he'd been shot at a couple o' times hisself"! </p><p> On the
doc#44 with the national Democratic party will be at a crossroads during 1961, with the first
doc#122 50 hours with a 1000 watt tungsten lamp at a distance of a few inches. The mixture
doc#147 damage could be done. Just like shooting at a duck while performing a half-gainer from
doc#141 sure, was the way they would act; laughing at a dying man, laughing as a man was beaten
doc#45 constitution forbids introduction of a tax bill at a fiscal session, the administration will
doc#29 chorus of boos by 500 women in Trenton Monday at a forum of the State Federation of Women