This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#113 the homosexuals widely use marijuana, they do not have to be initiated. Part of the ritual
doc#114 right of superior virtue, Southerners ask, do the people of the North do this? The traditional
doc#114 Southerners ask, do the people of the North do this? The traditional strategy of the South
doc#114 of the governed" needs a hard look. How do we define it? Is the consent of the governed
doc#114 homogeneous community? that regional peculiarities do not still exist? that the Court order does
doc#114 personally. If these people were denied a voice ( do they have a moral right to a voice?), what
doc#114 ", we run around crying, "Well, I didn't do anything, did I"? Robert Penn Warren puts
doc#114 galaxy of those adorns that fair land! I do n't propose to go into their history, but
doc#116 truly capitalistic. Some forms of capitalism do indeed work -- superb organizations, a
doc#116 (so cumbersome it cannot constructively do much of anything not compatible with its
doc#116 arbitrarily out of mere power available to do so. If we cannot stop warfare in our own
doc#116 legally a corporation, I have been able to do many things for my employees which "normal
doc#116 size and nature would have been unable to do . Also, I am convinced that if my company
doc#116 intelligence and background, has helped me do things many well-informed people would
doc#116 estimated by some as exceeding $10,000,000 (we do n't disclose financial figures to the public
doc#117 rapidly and also cool off more rapidly than do the mountainous regions. Mare Imbrium seems
doc#119 considered exploratory only. However, they do demonstrate the presence of large normal
doc#121 suitable for this application, since they do not give adequate soil removal. This is
doc#121 any wetting or surface-active agent will do a reasonably good job when present in sufficient
doc#121 available data show that micelles in themselves do not contribute significantly to the detergency