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doc#134 the door and down the steps,
doc#134 of sunlight swooped down to stain the
doc#135 . Mike ran down the line,
doc#135 set his bundle down . Snatching the
doc#135 and he went down . </p><p> Guerrillas were
doc#136 try to cut down as many of
doc#136 as he stared down the barrel of
doc#136 the blood running down his chest.
doc#137 You could burn down this whole mountainside
doc#137 Let it burn down . And make
doc#137 brought the quirt down , slashing it
doc#137 . </p><p> She came down against him,
doc#137 shoulders and went down on one knee
doc#137 fire had gone down , and the
doc#137 Put the rifle down , Joseph"
doc#137 eased the Winchester down and rested it
doc#137 start to work down the leather thong
doc#137 I'll be down at the creek
doc#137 carried it back down to the stream
doc#137 the broken- down ranch house,