This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#33 conserve it", pointing out the state population has increased 125,000 each year since 1950.
doc#35 internal fight within the Democratic party that has been going on for the last three years.
doc#35 serious question as to whether Mr. Wagner has the confidence of the Democratic rank and
doc#36 succession of highly publicized scandals has aroused the public within the last year
doc#36 construction of highways and other public works has brought on state and Federal investigations
doc#36 investigations. And the election of President Kennedy has attracted new attention to the ethical
doc#37 James W. Trimble, Democrat of Arkansas, who has been siding with Speaker Sam Rayburn's
doc#37 in moving bills to the floor. Mr. Trimble has been in the hospital but is expected back
doc#38 corps. </p><p> In the $40,000,000 budget that has been submitted for Congressional approval
doc#38 leaders have disclosed that this development has raised the question whether the Peace Corps
doc#40 N. Y., JUNE 18 -- A committee of experts has recommended that a country's population
doc#41 in the conference. The pace of the talks has slowed with each passing week. </p><p> Princess
doc#42 resigned. </p><p> The new promotion manager has been employed by the company since January
doc#42 married to the former Audrey Knecht and has a daughter, Karol, 13. They reside at 4911
doc#44 previous experience in public administration, has surrounded himself with confusion which
doc#44 1961 and iron out the rough edges which it has had thus far. The builtin headache of the
doc#44 headache of the Barnett regime thus far has been the steady stream of job-seekers and
doc#44 in the last decade that the Legislature has not met in regular or special session. </p>
doc#44 Mississippi is currently a wreck. And there has been no effort since the election to pull
doc#45 to 3 per cent. </p><p> The administration has said the sales tax proposal is merely part