This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#133 right with you, Mr. Morgan, I'll sleep out here on the couch. We haven't slept together
doc#134 <p> Gavin paused wearily. "You can't stay here with me. It's late and you said they'd
doc#134 with me. It's late and you said they'd be here by dawn". </p><p> "You can't make me go".
doc#134 shook his head, murmuring, "No". </p><p> "Come here ". The old man beckoned with one finger
doc#134 valley", he whispered huskily. "Lived alone here for three years, before any man came. Lived
doc#135 talk later. First, we've got to get out of here ". </p><p> "We'll grab horses", Dean said.
doc#135 offered him a chance for living. He had none here . And, for the sake of Julia and Susan,
doc#136 The Aricaras treated us like friends. And here all the time you knew the Sioux would be
doc#137 know him. I ought to. My father ran him off here six years ago". </p><p> Wilson didn't say
doc#137 a clear title. I have it with me, right here . If you want to see" -- </p><p> "Never mind
doc#137 expressionless. "You shouldn't be riding up here after dark, Judith", he said quietly. "
doc#137 home, Joseph. You've got no business up here ". </p><p> The half-breed didn't answer this
doc#137 of you. I don't know what goes on around here , and I don't care. I don't know what makes
doc#138 four vague figures, at the most. Drifting here and there. Squatting, as if waiting. The
doc#138 handed out, he told me, every morning. Now, here was something of obvious importance to
doc#138 enough but certainly had not expected to find here . I decided to see no more of the clerk
doc#139 aren't one of us. There's nothing for you here ". </p><p> "I got no place to go". </p><p> Barton
doc#140 her jaws. </p><p> She had to get away from here before this demoniac possession swallowed
doc#140 exit from the grove. She had been snared here by a vile sensuality that writhed around
doc#141 <p> "How -- with what? There's nothing out here but rattlesnakes". "Now, ain't it the truth