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doc#125 chromatographic eluate, having extremely low, low, and high anionic binding capacity, respectively
doc#126 August. The temperature then is still very high . At the old nest, the queen will in the
doc#126 surface and where the air is dry, so that a high evaporation leaves salty deposits which
doc#128 cortical discharges prevails in sleep and a high one during wakefulness, resulting in synchronous
doc#129 determined by the two lines would be too high . But if no two lines of the regulus of
doc#134 bold line of violet broke loose from the high ridge of the mountains, followed by feathers
doc#136 and bigger. Montero's shot had caught him high in the chest; there was no doubt he was
doc#137 broken-down ranch house, his hopes had been high . Already some of the pain had gone from
doc#143 , were sitting empty, with weeds growing high in their yards. The small half-heartedly
doc#144 little reckless, raised his hands shoulder high . </p><p> "Does this make it any easier, coward
doc#145 Clemens' signal. </p><p> Hez looked up at the high face of Emigrant Rock, official signboard
doc#146 stepped out. He and Cobb clattered down the high steps to the street. </p><p> Neither spoke
doc#147 </p><p> "They're Japs. They're Japs", came a high -pitched voice. </p><p> "Greg to Sweeney Blue
doc#147 wall. It gave them all a chance to make a high -speed climbing turn attack and a break-
doc#148 fingers on but the air suddenly fills with a high charge of electricity. </p><p> Why she married